The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in collaboration with the President’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) is implementing a three year programme (2014/15-2016/17).
The overall GPE-LANES programme objective is to improve Basic Skills in Literacy and Numeracy for Children aged 5 – 13 years. The Key Programme Result is Improved Basic Skills in Literacy and Numeracy for Children aged 5 – 13 years. It has been in implementation since the beginning of Financial Year 2014/15.
- Completed development of 5 titles of Standard II Books including their pre-testing. Likewise procurement process was completed at which approval was given to proceed with engagement of printing companies.
- The training was conducted as planned and 24 National Facilitators were trained who will then train 480 Teacher trainers in 2016.
- Completed the Printing and Distribution of 4 titles of Standard I (Std I) Books to all schools by end of June 2016. A total of 4,055,200 books were distributed
- Training was completed to 125 staff who will carry out learning needs assessment after the Learning Assessment Kits has been procured and distributed.
- The Special Education Unit at MoEST working with TIE and PO-RALG completed a Teacher’s Guide for teaching 3Rs to children with Visual (VI) and Hearing Impairment (HI). Training of 285 Visual and Hearing Impairment Teachers was completed at the end of June 2016.
- Scholarships were provided for PhD and Masters Studies (with the total of 17) starting September 2015.
- A total of 1556 Quality Assurers were successfully trained on the 3Rs revised curricular.